Frequently asked questions

Why choose us?

Find the answers to some questions you may have below, or simply contact us for a friendly chat to see how we can benefit your business and work together towards the common goal...

1. What industries have you worked the most with?

Together with our partners we have directly participated in countless projects for Solar in Europe and beyond, over 1.3 GW of power has been developed and constructed by our partners through ground based and rooftop systems
2Energy sector
We are in talks with Governments in Europe and Eastern Europe to bring about a change in energy network management systems to accommodate for a faster implementation of alternative energies.
From small scale projects to solving a housing crisis all over Europe we are working closely with our Partners in Ireland, Lithuania, Poland and UK to provide a viable solution and adapt to market requirements.
We are currently working with our partners on setting up manufacturing facilities in Easter Europe to provide Housing solutions to housing Authorities in European Countries and UK
5International Trade
Due to an extended reach of our contact network, we are constantly providing intermediately and matchmaking services for a wide variety of products from food stuffs to modular buildings.

2. What countries have you working relationships in?

Our partners have participated on some incredible projects in Republic of Ireland. From transatlantic optic fibre cable to the very first ground based Solar power plant, our expertise and contacts allowed for a smooth project execution and completion
2United Kingdom
Our partner companies work with housing Authorities to deliver hundreds of buildings and social housing projects all around the UK
Small in size, a giant in ambition. Lithuania has always been at the forefront of innovation and at the crossroad between Eastern and Western Europe made it a strategic place for manufacturing and as a transit HUB
Since the time immemorial Turkey was the hub for trade between East and the West. Our partners are involved in contract manufacturing and import export sectors, make trade so much easier through local knowledge and expertise.
A large industrial base with manufacturing, logistics and foreign trade focus. Poland has it all and our partners have the local knowledge to make it happen
6Many Many More
We have contacts in over 30 Countries and are in constant communication with our friend, partners and stakeholders so if you are thinking Internation give us a call or email and we'll see what we can do for you

3. How do you operate?

A straight forward agency agreement for your product or service would be enough for us to start the introduction in to the other markets and countries
Why not join forces with a trusted partner and work towards a common goal?
3Joint Venture
We understand the risk aversion when moving in to the unfamiliar, why not set up a joint venture where all parties will share the exposure and common interest?